Really happy with how this turned out! I love your style I hope we become the new E-Star duo
Really happy with how this turned out! I love your style I hope we become the new E-Star duo
Wow someone's a third wheel there not gonna name names but its not Jare or Jan hmmmm
Also love the low-key rim shots in your cartoons lol
The milk coming out of his nipple still haunts me to this day
No one's gonna make clothes out of YOUR friends man #intimidated :0
So wholesome how people of different cultures can come together :))))
I first saw this as a wee child, I came to newgrounds because the alien hominid video game for GameCube (one of the first I bought with my own money from walking a neighbor's dog at about 8 years old) had a newgrounds logo at the start. I saw this before I even saw any of David Lynch's films and it had a profound effect on me. It was so dark and uncomfortable but still morbidly funny. I loved the atmosphere and the art, this series along with Alfred's playhouse stood out as dark even for the site, although i think this has aged a lot better than Alfred's playhouse due to not being as on the nose.
Elliot and Adam always get up to wacky antics XD
Very spooky and deranged love the use of clip art
Joined on 1/26/22